Bernard Jet Mix Double Yield Hot Cocoa gives you Double the Yield of standard cocoa mixes. Each #10 can gives a yield of approximately ten and a half gallons, and each fifty pound drum gives a yield of approximately one hundred five gallons.
When you double the case price of standard cocoa mixes to get the yield of one case of Jet Mix Double Yield Cocoa, the tremendous savings are readily obvious. Through the use of Pure Cane Sugar, Imported Dutch Cocoa and non-nutritive sweetener, we have achieved a superb finished drink, double the yield, and without any loss of quality in the finished drink.
Many non-profit summer camps are the recipients of government commodity powdered milk, and this fine product has been formulated in such a manner that it can be prepared with powdered milk solids. This, in addition to the standard way of preparing the product with whole milk. To prepare this fine Double Yield Cocoa with only water would provide very little nutritional benefit. For that reason, the product has been formulated so that it can be reconstituted with either whole milk or powder milk in order that it provides the maximum nutritional benefits.
This Double Yield Cocoa Mix is ideal for larger institutional use such as state and federal institutions where a tremendous savings can be accomplished through the use of government commodity milk powder.
The finished cost is less than one penny per ounce. The highest quality at the lowest cost.
